Monday, 10 January 2011

"What is worse than rape?" "Betrayal."

Фильм: Генеральская дочь / Generals Daughter, (1999)

- What's worse than rape?
- When you find that out you'll have all the answers.

Предательство (sell the pass)- нарушение верности или долга чему-либо или кому-либо.
Betrayal (sell the pass) - breach of duty or loyalty to anything or anyone.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Pictures of a perfect English day.

...красоты английских пейзажей или "всяк кулик своё болото хвалит", что в переводе означает "каждый человек считает правильным то, к чему он привык".

Is the English countryside the most beautiful?
Or... 'Every sandpiper praises his own swamp.'
Today we spend exploring the English Countryside.
And I love it!
The "view to die for"...kilometres of undulating hills and meadows.
The sense of comfort that can be gained from the English countryside is a wonder to behold.
...truly the green and pleasant land.
It’s been a pretty gloomy December all in all.’s something to cheer you up.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Happy New Year - a holiday greeting!

С Новым годом - праздничное приветствие!